If you want to take your business up a notch, getting into 'data-driven marketing' is key. It's not just some fancy term – it's a game-changing strategy for growing your business. So, what's data-driven marketing all about? It's basically using data...
The excitement that comes with unboxing a new phone, game, or latest piece of technology is unmatched. You could say the same for finding the right software for your team. Knowing that you found something that can make your day-to-day easier and...
Acronyms are abundant in marketing. From KPIs to ROI, PPC to CPC, SEO to SEM—the list goes on and on. There are a handful of acronyms that we all use on a regular basis, but CRM and CMS may not be in your acronym arsenal just yet. CRM and CMS, with...
Think about the influx of emails you receive every week. How many of them do you actually open? What entices you to read them? More importantly, what made you take that actionable step? There are many elements that go into creating the perfect...
Social Media has changed the way we communicate and interact with one another forever. Behind Facebook, Instagram is the most used social media platform in the United States. The app has progressively become more popular over time by adding new...
The first email was sent and credited by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. The message, although looking a lot like a munged password, served as the beginning of modern communication. Years later, the first email chain was sent to a list of email addresses by...
LinkedIn fills the void for professional connection on social media. It’s the main place for recruiters to touch base with potential candidates for a new position, to get industry updates for your business, and connect with like-minded teams in your...
Cold-calling is dead—or at least it should be. Dating back as far as the 1950s, marketers have interrupted passive audiences with forced, irrelevant messages. What was once seen as an effective B2B (business-to-business) marketing strategy is now...
When it comes to digital advertising, every social platform has its own way to spend dollars. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and even newer players like Tiktok offer their business users a chance to reach targeted audiences with creativity and a...
What separates a good blog from a great blog? Two words: Blog strategy. As blogging becomes a top marketing priority, it’s important to note a well-thought-out blog strategy is crucial to see results and drive positive ROI. It’s no secret that...