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Personalizing Marketing Communication

Written by Shana Steigerwalt | May 20, 2020 5:19:16 AM

People want to see and experience their wants and needs. If you want to stand out in the eyes of your audience, personalize your content to improve your conversion rates, customer relationships, and overall user experience. In a world that bombarded with advertisements and irrelevant messages, revolutionize the way you attract and communicate with your audience.

What is personalized marketing?

Blasting the same message to each audience at all stages of their buyers cycle will not resonate with your customers. Personalizing your communication helps to resonate with your audiences interests, wants and needs, making them feel heard. Personalized marketing is creating customized content for your buyer personas to build stronger relationships. 

Each and every day, we as humans personalize texts, photos, and videos to friends or family members. Consider when you buy a birthday gift. You are not going to buy an adult a Play Doh kit. In our daily interactions, we address those we are speaking to. Businesses need to take on the same philosophy - personalizing content for their intended target audience. Sounds complicated right?

How to Personalize Content to Your Buyer Personas

Creating customized content for your buyer personas helps to build a stronger relationship based on their needs and interests. Taking the time to truly understand your target audiences' needs and analyzing data, like purchase history, clicked links and time spent on page, allows you to better understand their online behavior.

Netflix is a great example of a brand that caters its content to its users - making personalized suggestions of shows and movies based on what they have previously watched. Netflix  customizes their users homepage to reflect their interests and history and encourages feedback from their users on how well their suggestions were aligned by clicking a thumbs up or thumbs down.

put Your customers first

Despite what many businesses may think, it's not about your business; it is about the wants, needs and interests of your audience. With the proper tools, technology and data, brands have the ability to speak to their audience as individuals. So how do you get to know your audience better? 

    • Understand Their Needs: what are they searching, what questions are they asking, what topics are they most interested in
    • Analyze Their Behavior: what pages do they visit, what emails do they open, what buttons do they click, where do they lose interest
    • Predict Their Future Desires: what will help them move to the next stage of the buyers journey, what will incentivize them, what information are they missing

When you have a firm understanding of your audience, you can create concrete buyers personas. These buyers personas will help you map out content needed at difference stages of the buyers journey.


One message to your entire contact base no longer works. If your brand is generalizing communication, your message is lost and your audience will not feel valued. Creating buyers personas is the first step to mapping out content at all stages of the buyers journey.

    • Top of the Funnel: attract awareness by providing answers, resources, education, research data, opinions and insight (blogs, webinars, ebooks, infographics, whitepapers)
    • Middle of the Funnel: nurture leads and provide audience with content needed to evaluate your offerings (buying guides, comparison charts, case studies)
    • Bottom of the Funnel: determine what it will take to get your audience to purchase and become a customer (demos, trials, special offers, discounts)

By customizing your content to where your audience is in the buyers journey, your brand can shorten your sales process and increase your success.

Customize the Experience

Personalizing content goes beyond adding tokens in emails. Now that your brand is equipped with a content arsenal, the content must be delivered to the appropriate person, on the appropriate platform at the appropriate time. All factors contribute to a personalized and enjoyable user experience. 

Marketing automation tools, like Hubspot, allow brands to scale their communication without jeopardizing personalization. This makes your audience feel valued and affirms that your content is relevant to them.

Benefits of Personalizing Content

It's a buyers world. Buyers now have the power in the purchase decision, therefore it's important to factor in how they want to be sold to if you want to earn their business. According to Marketo, 63% of people said that they are highly annoyed by the way brands continue to rely on the old-fashioned strategy of blasting generic advertising messages repeatedly. Regular mass marketing is designed for a broader audience and doesn’t make the impacts that personalized marketing does for a company and customers. 

Some of the most common benefits of personalization include, but are not limited to:

    • Develop stronger and more relevant content
    • Increase value and build stronger relationships with audience
    • Humanize your brand and make better recommendations
    • Increase conversions
    • Shorten sales cycle while boosting sales

Companies that use personalized marketing tactics have witnessed an increase in total sales and all-around happier customers. In a study by Instapage, 51% of consumers expect that companies will anticipate their needs and make relevant suggestions before they make contact

With personalized marketing, your customers will come first and will notice that you are aware of their wants and needs as a consumer. Need help with creating content during the buyer’s journey? Check out our blog about creating that content.