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6 Social Media Tools to Help you Create the Best Social Media Image

Are you feeling like your social media pages are drab and in major need of a face-lift? There are so many ways you can spice up your page and create better social media images to attract the customers or clients you desire. We've tried these free 6 visual tools ourselves, so we're sure these tools will help you create the right look and keep your page looking fresh. Creating social media graphics custom to your brand will not only aid your brand awareness efforts by enticing new visitors, but it will also keep your existing followers intrigued and coming back for more. Visual branding on social media is as necessary as a well-kept storefront.  

1. Start with a High Quality, Royalty Free Image

There are many free image sites out there with large libraries of images for you to use (Exclusive Insider: Check out Unsplash, LibreStock and Pexels.) These free online high-quality photos will make selecting the right photo to be paired with your content easy and accessible. 

visual tools social media image brand awareness new visitors


2. Discover the Perfect Color Scheme

Try using Adobe Color CC to determine which colors will compliment each other in the images you’re using. Discover the perfect color schemes to attract people to your social media pages. 

visual tools social media image brand awareness new visitors

3. Take Advantage of Pre-Made Icons

Need icons to spice up a blog post or content offer? Flaticon gives you access to thousands of icons. Who doesn’t <div>Icons made by <a href="http://www.freepik.com" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="http://www.flaticon.com" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a> is licensed by <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/" title="Creative Commons BY 3.0" target="_blank">CC 3.0 BY</a></div> free social media icons?


4. Reveal Optimizing Contrast Color

People often recognize a brand based on its colors, so it's important to stay consistency. ColorZilla is a new plug-in that examines the codes of your brand to help maintain color consistency. Rather than trying to perfectly match colors from site to site, rely on this tool to make the job simpler.

visual tools social media image brand awareness new visitors

5. Find Perfect Font Combinations

Just like a cooking experiment, some things blend better together than others. Using Femmebot for guidance, you will have access to many font combinations that will appeal to your images.

visual tools social media image brand awareness new visitors


6. Put It All Together in a Free Visual Content Tool

So, we have all of the individual components to create beautiful visual content, but how do we put it all together? Canva is our personal favorite and has served as a life (time) saver at MDM! With all of Canva’s templates you can find and create unique visuals especially in no time at all. Especially when it comes to creating social content, which may only have a shelf-life of a few hours, Canva is quick and easy to use and repurpose.

 visual tools social media image brand awareness new visitors

There is a lot of trial and error that lies behind the "perfect image." By using these free tools, not only will you find yourself saving time and money, but you may end up saving your followers, as well. Check out Social Media Examiner for a full list of tools, tips, and tricks that will take your graphics to the next level. 


Want some more advice on what direction you should take with your brand on social media? 

Schedule Consultation

If you want more ideas on what to do with social media, read our blog on 

5 Ways to Integrate Social Media on Your Website!



590 Lancaster Ave, Ste 110,
Malvern, PA 19355
