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How Social Media Benefits SEO | Modern Driven Media

Written by Madison Penrose | May 12, 2020 1:30:00 PM

Did you know that your social media activities can boost traffic towards your website? It’s important to be creating and posting content on your social accounts that allows new leads and audiences to find you via their favorite search engines.

Social media is a necessary tool in increasing awareness and gaining trust for your company. Although not often thought of together, SEO, or search engine optimization, goes hand in hand with social media—they benefit each other’s performance.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to your website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results generated by a search engine like Google or Bing. In other words, you want your company’s website link at the top of the search engine results page (SERP), so that viewers are more inclined to click on it.

The influence of social media on SEO differs depending on where you are searching. Social is not a ranking factor for Google, meaning that links and clicks will not determine where it ranks on the results page. For Bing, however, pages with more shares and higher traffic will be ranked higher as you search. Whether you use Google or Bing to narrow your search, social pages will always play a part in boosting SEO.

How Social Engagement and Shares Affect SEO

When it comes to who will learn about your brand by using a particular search engine, the amount of engagement and link shares on your social pages is key. While SEO is a major factor in driving traffic to your site, what’s just as important are reviews, especially for branded searches. This way, the reviews on your profiles, like Facebook, can prove legitimacy and reliability, ultimately increasing conversions. While searching, one of the first results that appear is the brand’s social media page, so it is useful to site these pages in your SEO efforts.

Content that is sharable sends the right signal to search engines. Shares are a crucial way to generate traffic to your site through multiple search engines and social media sites. Remember: not every search engine is the same! What is found at the top of the SERP on Google can be completely different than Bing or any other search engine you may use.

Sharing increases the number of inbound links to your site and shows how popular and noteworthy your content is if people are following links from social accounts. This goes to show that you are doing something correct and headed in the right direction towards building and maintaining a prominent social media presence.

Social media can improve credibility, which can help your followers and consumers gain trust. You have to know what content your users engage with the most, giving them want they want to generate traffic from the right audience. Creating content without a purpose will not drive the right traffic to your site, possibly pushing people to another source.

Posting relevant, targeted content creates stronger brand awareness, which in turn boosts organic traffic to your site as people are specifically searching for you. Social media is one of the best ways to promote content and be found online, so make sure that you are consistently posting to and updating your social pages to attract and engage existing clients and potential leads.

Backlinks, Hyperlinks, and Keywords

Other factors to consider while using social to benefit SEO are backlinks and hyperlinks. A backlink is a link from one website to another and helps your site rank by increasing it’s domain authority. However, backlinks only work website to website which means linking on a social platform doesn’t count in terms of better ranking.

A hyperlink is a word or phrase that you can click on to redirect to a new section on your website. These words or phrases are underlined and oftentimes put in a different color to let the readers know that they can jump to another section or a new page to learn more.

Finally, keep in mind keywords and long-tail searches are beneficial when it comes to narrowing your audience and bringing in the right people to your page. Including specific, relevant words and phrases within your blog will eventually increase your SEO success.

Doing research before, during, and after posting your content will provide you with all of the insight you need to find where the demand lies and tailor your content even further to improve your SEO results.

Tying it all together

Some of the main takeaways that you should always consider while using social media to benefit your SEO efforts are that shares from potential and existing customers are major. When more people become aware of your product or service, you’ll find more of them clicking on your link on the search engine results page. Finally, SEO and social media are not two separate entities—they work together to give you the best results.

Social media has become an essential part of everyday life, especially for businesses. If you’d like more guidance in creating a social media marketing strategy or boosting your search engine optimization tactics, contact us to learn how we can help.